The Innovative Media Research and Extension Team is excited to be recognized by our professional development association, ACE (Association for Communication Excellence) and their Critique and Awards program. Our work was awarded four gold, one silver, and four bronze awards; as well as a “Best-In Category” award (Called the “Outstanding Professional Skill” award) in the Information Technology category.
While we are proud of the quality of our finished products, to have this external validation from our peers is always nice and helps us feel part of a community. We want to thank all of our team members for working so hard on all of our products and showing such professionalism and care in putting together effective, engaging and beautifully produced products.
This year, we had six award-winning products recognized in the ACE critique & awards:
Gold for Innovative Use of Communication Technology
Outstanding Professional Skill award for Information Technology
Silver in Diversity
Bronze for its Website

The Water Sampling and Water Testing interactives are online, digital “virtual labs” that teach the user how to effectively collect a valid irrigation water sample and then test that sampled water for E. coli, an indicator organism for fecal contamination.The CONSERVE project was a collaboration with the University of Maryland School of Public Health with support from the National Institute of
Food and Agriculture in the U.S.
Zinkicide Animated Videos
Gold for Scriptwriting
The University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center and and New Mexico State University. This work is supported by the Specialty Crop Research Initiative, USDA-NIFA.
Gold for Interactive Multimedia Graphics
Gold for Illustrations

Virtual Insect Collection is an online 4-H learning lab where users can practice pinning, pointing and spreading insects to preserve them for scientific study. This project was created in collaboration with the Arthropod Museum, part of NMSU’s Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Sciences, with financial support from the SPECA
Virtual Insect Collection Lab home screen. Challenge Grant, USDA-NIFA.
Bronze for Illustrations

Movement & Storage of Water in Soil is an interactive graph that demonstrates matric potential and water flow & pressure in clay, loamy, and sandy soils. This project was a collaboration with NMSU’s Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences with support from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Bronze for Technology Education

This project was a learning series directed by the Department of Innovative Media Research & Extension for local 4-H youth groups. This series explored various ways of creating media, including graphic design, animation, game design, programming, and videography.
Written by:
Amanda Chase, Communications Specialist,
Amy Muise, Editor,